Anonymous Portrait of Margaret of York, c. 1468. Paris, Musée du Louvre.
b. 1446- d. 1503
Title: Duchess of Burgundy
Motto: Bien en enviengne
Symbol: Unknown
KBR MS 9305, f. 1
Parents/Up one generation
Same generation
Children/Down one generation
Mechelen (23 November 1503)
Fotheringhay (3 May 1446)
Bruges (1468)
London (1480)
Book Count: 57
Beinecke MS 639: Guide des pelerinages aux eglises de Rome. Confirmed ownership c.1475-1503 by Coat of Arms.
Berlin, Kupferstichkabinett MS 78 B 13 (with BNE, Vitr. 25.5 and folios at the Philadelphia Museum of Art): Vostre demeure Hours. Possible ownership c. 1472-1503? by Other.
BL Add. MS 38126: Huth Hours (Use of Rome). Possible ownership 1485-1503 by Other.
BL Add. MS 7970: Dialogue de la duchesse de Bourgogne à Jésus Christ. Confirmed ownership c.1468 - 1502 by Inscription. Confirmed ownership c.1468 - 1502 by Coat of Arms. Confirmed ownership c.1468 - 1502 by Other.
BL Arundel MS 71: Le lieure d felicite de vie (plus 1 leaf from a Gradual). Possible ownership 1477?-1503? by Other.
BL Royal MS 15 D IV: Quinte Curse Ruffe des fais du grant Alexandre. Confirmed ownership c.1470-1480? by Inscription.
BL Royal MS 16 G III: Vita Christi; La Vengance de la mort Jhesu Crist. Confirmed ownership 1479-1503 by Other.
BL Royal MS 19 E V: Romuléon. Possible ownership 1480 by Patron Portrait.
BnF n.a.f. 28650: Vie de sainte Catherine. Confirmed ownership c. 1475-1503 by Coat of Arms.
Bodleian MS Douce 365: Religious Compendium. Confirmed ownership 1475-1503 by Other.
Cambridge, St. John's MS H 13 (MS 215): Breviaire (with BL Cotton MS Tiberius A II, fol. 1; Cotton MS Galba A XVIII, fol. 2; Cotton MS Vespasian A I; and Cotton MS TItus C XV, f. 1). Confirmed ownership c. 1477-1503? by Coat of Arms.
Escorial, Bibl. Monast. e. III. 2: Marcus Iustinus, Epitome historiarum Trogi Pompeii. Confirmed ownership 14?? by Inscription.
Getty MS 30 (87.MN.141): Les Visions du chevalier Tondal. Confirmed ownership 1475-1503 by Other.
Getty MS 31 (87.MN.152): La Vision de l'âme de Guy de Thurno. Confirmed ownership 1475-1503 by Other.
Holkham Hall, Coll. Leicester 659: Chroniques de Hainaut. Confirmed ownership post-1477-23 November 1503 by Coat of Arms.
Iena, Bibl. Univ., Gall. f. 85: Livre de Boece de consolation de phylosophie (Jean de Meun Trans.). Confirmed ownership 1476 by Other.
KBR MS 2027: Le Triomphe des dames et la Chaire d'honneur. Possible ownership 1471?-1503? by Other.
KBR MS 9030-37: Religious compendium; Chastel d'amour. Confirmed ownership 1475?-1503 by Coat of Arms.
KBR MS 9106: Somme le Roi. Possible ownership 1475?-1503? by Other.
KBR MS 9169: Leges palatine. Possible ownership pre-1483 by Other.
KBR MS 9233: La Fleur des histoires. Confirmed ownership 14??-15?? by Inscription.
KBR MS 9272-76: Religious compendium. Possible ownership c. 1475-1503? by Other.
KBR MS 9296: Bienheureux les misericordieux. Possible ownership c. 1468-1503? by Other.
KBR MS 9305-06: Mendicité sprituelle; Montagne de contemplation; Trésor de sapience. Confirmed ownership post-1468-1503 by Inscription.
Metz, BM MS 1255 (no longer extant): Hours of the Virgin, Use of Rome. Destroyed in 1944. Confirmed ownership 1488 - 1503 by Coat of Arms.
Monasterium "Bethlehem" of the Zusters Clarissen-Coletienen MS 8: Vie de sainte Colette. Confirmed ownership 1468? by Other.
NE 1209: Livre du roy Melyadus. Possible ownership post-1478-1503? by Instance of borrowing, inventory.
NE 1210: Des Proprietez des bestes; Lucidaire; Des vii sages de Romme; autres livres. Possible ownership post-1478-1503? by Instance of borrowing, inventory.
NE 1211: Fais des Rommains. Possible ownership post-1478?-1493? by Instance of borrowing, inventory.
NE 1211: Fais des Rommains. Possible ownership post-1499?-1503? by Instance of borrowing, inventory.
NE 1212: Dyalogue saint Gregoire. Possible ownership post-1487-1503? by Instance of borrowing, inventory.
NE 1213: Des Fortunes de nobles hommes et femmes. Possible ownership post-1487-1503? by Instance of borrowing, inventory.
NE 1214: Passion saint Adrian. Possible ownership post-1478-1503? by Instance of borrowing, inventory.
NE 1215: Passaige d'Outremer. Possible ownership post-1478-1503? by Instance of borrowing, inventory.
NE 1216: Livre de medecine. Possible ownership post-1478-1503? by Instance of borrowing, inventory.
NE 1217: Livre de Ysengrin. Possible ownership post-1478-1503? by Instance of borrowing, inventory.
NE 1218: Livre des solitaires. Possible ownership post-1478-1503? by Instance of borrowing, inventory.
NE 1219: Enseignements de saint Louis a son fils. Possible ownership post-1478-1503? by Instance of borrowing, inventory.
NE 1220: Psautier. Possible ownership post-1478-1503? by Instance of borrowing, inventory.
NE 1221: Divers livres de chant. Possible ownership post-1478-1503? by Instance of borrowing, inventory.
NE 1222: Mappamundi. Possible ownership post-1478-1503? by Instance of borrowing, inventory.
NE 427: Vie de saint Gommaire. Confirmed ownership 14??-1503? by Other.
NE 428: Livre d'heures. Possible ownership post-1468-1503? by Patron Portrait. Possible ownership post-1468-1503? by Other.
NE 429: Gradual. Confirmed ownership c. 1482 by Inscription.
NE 771: Breviaire. Possible ownership 14??-1503? by Other.
NE 977: Dialogue de l'ame et de l'oeil. Possible ownership post-March 1482-1503? by Dedication.
NEP 21: Recyell of the Histories of Troy. Confirmed ownership 1464-1503? by Patron of edition.
NEP 22: Tretye of Loue. Possible ownership 1493-1503? by Patron.
NEP 23: Chroniques (de Froissart). Confirmed ownership October 1499-1503? by Other.
NLR Saltykov-Shchedrin, MS Fr. O v. I, 2 (no longer extant): Contemplation pour attraire la personne a Dieu; De diligendo deo; Méditations de St. Bernard. Possible ownership post-1468-1503? by Other.
ONB Cod. 1857: Hours of Mary of Burgundy. Possible ownership 147? by Other.
PML MS M 484: Apocalypse. Confirmed ownership 1475-1503 by Other.
Saint-Quentin, BM MS 109: Le Livre du Trésor. Confirmed ownership c.1468 - 1503 by Inscription.
Unnamed Private Collection, Christie's, May 26-27, 1965, lot 195, Livre d'heures: Livre d'heures. Confirmed ownership 1468-1503 by Other.
Valenciennes, BM 240: Sermons; L'Imitation de Jésus-Christ; Soliloque des quatre exercices; Miroir de l'ame. Possible ownership 1468?-? by Inscription.
Vesoul, BM 91: L'abbaye de saint Esprit. Possible ownership c.1468 - 1503? by Other.
Windsor Castle MS RCIN 1047371: Register of the Guild of St. Anne. Confirmed ownership c. 1476-1503? by Patron Portrait.